April 24, 2023
Road Steel provides a training to the Uniovi eTech Racing Team
Road Steel visits the Polytechnic School of Engineering in Gijón to provide training to the Uniovi eTech Racing team, of which RSE has been a sponsor for several years.
With the aim of sharing knowledge and promoting learning and continuous improvement, the People team, headed by Cristina Fernández García, and the Marketing and Communication team, headed by Carlos Pendás Suárez and Marcos Voces Domínguez, were able to show them the work methodology used in the company and how to adapt it to their project.
Road Steel is very proud to be able to collaborate with an Asturian team full of talent as the representative of the University of Oviedo in the national Formula Student competition.
You can learn more about them here: https://formulastudent.uniovi.es/