January 31, 2019
Gonvarri Colombia takes part in the Pilot Project for the installation of Protection Systems for Motorcyclists in the Department of Cundinamarca
Gonvarri Colombia has provided knowledge and experience in the Pilot Project for the installation of Vehicle Restraint Systems including Protection Systems for Motorcyclists in the department of Cundinamarca, in a road that connects the Colombian capital with the estaern plains, specifically on the section that links the municipalities of Guatavita and Sesquilé, with the aim of providing the roadway corridor high safety parameters for motorcyclists.
This initiative is being implemented by Concesión Vial Perimetral Oriental de Bogotá S.A.S., due to the increasing tendency in the use of motorcycles as main mode of transport. This is a solution to prevent these users from leaving the road as the main cause of accident and fatality.
It is the first project in Colombia and in Latin America concerning the installation of Vehicle Restraint Systems including PMS. This Pilot Project arises as a result of the Road Safety Analysis developed by Concesión Vial Perimetral Oriental de Bogotá S.A.S. on accidentality in the roadway corridor, in which 35.46% of the serviced accidents, between December 2014 and October 2018, motorcyclists were involved.
The Protection System for Motorcyclists installed is named SPM-ES4 and it is certified by the European Standard UNE EN 1317, as well as UNE 135 900 which means that it has successfully passed four full-scale impact tests, with vehicle vehicles , and with dummy that simulates a motorcyclist.
The new has had repercussions in the Colombian media. The RCN Channel Colombia talked about this Protection System for Motorcyclists on the newscast, whilst Caracol Radio, main media company in the country, and el Nuevo Siglo newspaper covered this information on their respective websites. The coverage of this project by the media has aroused great interest in the sector meaning requests by other concessions, interested in installing these systems.
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