June 12, 2019
Gonvarri Industries publishes its Sustainability Report 2018
• The Report’s structure is founded on Drive, the Management Model, with a roadmap based on four axes: Innovation, Efficiency, People and Sustainability.
• New “Gonvarri Industries” brand. It represents the essence of the company, its strength and commitment to its employees, in line with the with the aim of leading the sector supplying metal solutions for safer and more sustainable future.
• It shows a sustainable and profitable growth, as reflected in the financial results, with a turnover of 3,575 million euros and with EBITDA amounting to 209,5 million euros.
• Referring to shared value creation, its highlights the ongoing commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), mainly the one related to minimize the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents (SDG 3.6), through our road safety program “Emotional Driving”.
12 June 2019.- Gonvarri Industries publishes its 2018 Sustainability Report aiming to present its balanced and transparent performance to its stakeholders.
This new Report followed the guidelines established by the GRI Standard of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI-Standards), the Sustainable Development Goals and the result of the Materiality Study.
The Report highlights the “Gonvarri Industries” brand update. It represents the essence of the company, its strength and commitment to its employees, in line with the with the aim of leading the sector supplying metal solutions for safer and more sustainable future.
The commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals acquire special relevance, especially and more actively supporting the following:
• Minimize the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents (SDG 3.6), and availability of safer transports (SDG 11.2)
• Contribution to n the fight against climate change and reduction in the energy consumption (SDG 7.3)
The second part of the Report addresses Drive, our Management Model, whose 2016-18 period ends.
It gathers information regarding various aspects and initiatives in the exercise 2018, framed within the framework of a sustainable growth that allowed the conclusion of the exercise with EBITDA amounting to 209,5 million euros, according to estimations, after investments (CAPEX) that exceed 250 million euros in 2018.
These investments enabled the company to increase its global presence, standing out the acquisition of Gonvarri Material Handling (Constructor Group) in North Europe and Flinsa (Flejes Industriales SA) in Spain. In addition, we have made significant expansions principally with new hot stamping processes in S&A Popes Lane (UK), Gonvauto South Carolina and Navarra and laser cutting in Thüringen (Germany) and in Barcelona, Valencia and Zaragoza (Spain), increasing steel solutions.
The Report highlights within the different Drive axis:
“Drive” Sustainability: summarizes the main initiatives of the “Emotional Driving” program and gathers our contribution to fight against climate change, avoiding the emission of over 300,000 tCO2 during 2018 exercise.
“Drive” Innovation: summarizes the new Innovation Model, more agile and flexible, standing out among others, the innovation initiatives focused in new products, improvements in processes and technological improvements through the Gonvarri 4.0 project.
“Drive” People: a it gathers the most relevant information related to our professionals: number of employees (by genre, category and age), rotation (hires and leaves), diversity, mobility, performance evaluation, training, and so on. Furthermore, it collects all the main projects related to training, diversity, sports and occupational health.
“Drive” Efficiency: summarizes the main initiatives related to the implementation and development of the Integrated Management System and the 16 key processes defined by the company, as well as well as the procedures and control measurements focused on the minimization of potential risks and incidents.
About Gonvarri
Gonvarri has 43 factories in steel transformation sector for the automotive, road safety, material handling and solar energy in 19 countries and reached a revenue of 3,500 million euros in 2018.